The Memorial Fund was created in the honor of our fallen Sister Kristine Fairbanks of the U.S. Forest Service who was killed in the line of duty on September 20th, 2008.The fund is reserved to provide support and relief for Law Enforcement Officers and their families in times of need.

Officer Kristine Fairbanks was shot and killed while investigating a suspicious vehicle on FS Road 2880 on the Olympic Peninsula, in Washington State. She had radioed the Washington State Patrol dispatch that she would be checking on a van with no license plates at 2:40 pm.
When dispatchers were unable to reach her, troopers were dispatched to check on her and found her suffering from a single gunshot wound. Her K9 partner had not been released from her patrol vehicle and was uninjured.
The suspect fled the scene and later murdered a man while stealing his truck. At approximately 9:30 pm, he encountered two Clallam County deputies at a convenience store and was killed in the ensuing shootout.
Officer Fairbanks had served with the United States Forest Service for 22 years. She is survived by her husband and 15-year-old daughter.
Vessel Honors Kristine Fairbanks |
Here is a photo of the United States Forest Service’s new patrol boat, the Kristine Fairbanks. As most of you are aware, Kris was the USFS officer for our area. She was also a K-9 handler/trainer and was heavily involved in the Washington State Police Canine Association. She was murdered in the line of duty on 09/20/08 outside of Sequim.
Page Last Updated: Jun 02, 2012 (14:05:45)